Crossfit Battle Brew

by - 1:54 AM

Be fit, let's crossfit

An event participated by competitive bloggers! haha well i don't think so because i just watched, did a liyyle sterching and took photos.

The coffee that they are promoting that can sustain our appetite and still be fit.

Crossfit is a combination of different series of exercise that doesn't focusnon one area only but the whole body.

Coach is explaining the rules and the exercise that we will be doing

The Battle Brew Venue right at the heart of QC.

Fellow bloggers in group
doing the the battle simultaneously.

Me having my time with one of the equipment.

My daughter is also posing 

The coffee package only at insurrecto

Procudure in making the coffee

@insurrecto, @battlebrew, @mommybloggerphilippines, @certifiedbloggers, @crossfit

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